Contemplating suicide?
Promise Not To Do Anything Right Now - Even though your pain might feel feel unbearable today, things can change. Your thoughts don’t have to become a reality. How you feel today may not be the same as how you felt yesterday; now will it be how you’ll feel tomorrow, or next week. Wait. Give yourself space; put some distance between your suicidal thoughts and actions.
Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, there are many people who want to support you during this difficult time. Just talking about how you got to this point in your life can release a lot of the pressure that’s building up and help you find a way to cope.
Keep Yourself Safe
Try to keep yourself safe for now and start creating a safety plan. You could think of ways to lift or calm your mood or find ways to distract yourself. Make a list of who you can turn to for support and perhaps consider what you might say to a loved one if they were in this position. Try listing what your own five reasons or living might be.
Get Help
Make an urgent visit to your GP or go to A&E/call 999, if you feel at risk right now. For general support with you mental health you can call the Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline on 0808 800 2234 or text 07860 022821 (FREE).
Worried about someone else?
Take Notice
Most people thinking about suicide don’t talk about it. All too often however, there are warning signs. Look out for changes in their personality and behaviour as these might be signs that they are having suicidal thoughts.
If you think that someone may be feeling suicidal, encourage them to talk about how they are feeling. You may feel uncomfortable raising this subject and may not know what to say but don’t worry - this is entirely normal. If you’re concerned - just ask them if they’re thinking about suicide or having thoughts of ending their life. These questions might be direct, but it’s better to address the person's feelings directly rather than avoiding the issue. And be reassured that asking about suicide in this way will not make it more likely to happen.
Listen and Empathise
Avoid being judgemental and never criticise or blame them. Try saying, ‘I can’t imagine how painful this is for you, but I would like to try to understand’. Listen carefully and do all you can to understand them. Get them to share their reasons for living and dying. Encourage them to form a safety plan and reassure them that they will not feel this way forever. Help them to focus on getting through this day, and then the next rather than focusing too much on the future.
Keep Supporting Them Until Help Arrives
Always take their suicidal feelings seriously. If someone is in immediate danger call the emergency services on 999 and ask for an ambulance; or take them to A&E at their local hospital. Do not leave them on their own and don’t forget about your own safety!
Talk Suicide
Encourage the person to seek help and visit their GP. Keep talking and share information on the support services in your area (perhaps offer to go along to the first session). Ensure they understand they are not alone.
Support and Sources of Help
Emergency Support
If someone is in immediate danger or has harmed themselves call 999 and ask for an ambulance; or take them to A&E at their local hospital.
Crisis Support
North Staffordshire urgent mental health helpline: call 0800 0328 728 (opt. 1) an impairment or can’t use the phone, text 07739 775202
South Staffordshire Urgent Mental Health Helpline: call 0808 196 3002 (covers Stafford, Stone, Rugeley, Cannock, South Staffs, Lichfield, Burton, Uttoxeter, Tamworth
Brighter Futures
Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline - a confidential emotional support helpline, offering a safe place to talk. Call 0808 800 2234/Text 0786 002 2821
The Self-Harm Support and Recovery Service - for Staffordshire adults over 18 who are living with self-harm/suicidal thoughts where a hospital visit or Admission is neither wanted or needed. For a direct referral contact Access Team: T: 0300 123 0907 Opt 1 (Stoke-on-Trebt and South Staffordshire) T: 0808 196 3002 (south Staffordshire) or further information on how the service can help call 07824 505 538
Other Helplines
Samaritans - Call 116 123 /
Changes - recovery, wellbeing and peer support workshops. Call: 01782 413101 Email:
Women’s Wellbeing Club - peer support group meetings for Staffordshire residents. Email:
Men Unite - A social and support group for men across Staffordshire. 24hr online support via Facebook and weekly drop in session
Andys Man Club - Free mental health peer support sessions for men in Stafford and surrounding towns. Email:
Mind North Staffordshire - counselling/advice, parent support, social groups phone: 01782 262100 email:
Mind Burton - counselling, support groups and advice for people in Burton, Burntwood, Lichfield & Tamworth phone: 01283 566696 email:
Grieving when someone dies by suicide can be incredibly difficult. Support is available - Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) - call 0300 111 5065 or the local SOBS support group in Uttoxeter on 07950 269 539.
Help is at Hand - An NHS booklet for people bereaved by suicide. [Search “Help is at Hand”]
Stay Alive App - Free App with a range of suicide prevention support tools.
More Information
Staffordshire Mental Health Suicide Presentation Champions Brighter futures via email -